Conways Game of Life: Animation

A while back I completed an excercise to implement Conways Game of Life using Javascript. I have recently found a play by play on Pluralsight where Lea Verou did the same thing. I was especially interested, because Lea also chose to represent her grid using checkboxes. Although Lea’s implementation is undoubtably better I was, overall, happy with my own attempt, but one thing she did looked really good to me. Lea added a simple animation when the checked property changed to represent “birth”, so I’ve decided to shamelessly borrow this idea and to extend it to include an animation for “death” too.

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CsvHelper with Excel

A while back I was tasked with extending some existing export/import functionality to support Excel, in addition to Csv. I had my fingers crossed that the existing code used Josh Close’s excellent CsvHelper, and I was not disappointed.

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Entity Framework unit testing with Effort data loaders

I’ve recently had to introduce a certain number of unit tests into an existing product that was using Entity Framework model first. Fortunately, there is a wonderful library called Effort which allows you to abstract away your entire database with an in memory version. Without Effort, I would have been unable to add the tests I needed, due to the tightly coupled nature of the product.

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